Gospel of Lord Krishna : Sri Swami Sivananda -2.



Though the thundering revelation of the Immortality of the Soul Sri Krishna warns man not to deceive himself by trying to ignore the law of Karma, the law of rebirth, and the law of retribution. The Soul within him does not die with the death of the body; and, so long as it does not liberate itself by attaining Jnana, it is bound to reap the harvest of the seeds it has sown in its several births.

The Jiva which imagines that it is the doer of an action is bound to it by an invisible thread called attachment. The action is a rubber-ball with a long rubber-band attached to it which is given to the children to play with. One end of the band is tied to the finger of the child and it throws the ball on the ground; and the ball promptly rebounds to the child’s hand. Similarly, every action performed by you with the idea that you are doing it and with a desire to attain a certain end, is bound to rebound on you sooner or later, in this birth or in another.

Death itself is but going from one room to another; and so long as the band of attachment is not broken by the knife of non-attachment and the knot of desire born of ignorance is not loosened, the ball of action is bound to come back. One who realises this will do no evil. It is ignorance of the immortality of the Soul and the inevitable working of the law of action and reaction that makes the wicked man go his evil way.

he wise man dismisses the misfortunes that may befall him as the working out of the evil Karmas of a previous birth and is indifferent to them; and he is active in cultivating goodness and in doing good, convinced, in the words of Sri Krishna, "that the doer of good never comes by evil" and that in the life to come; he will not only be free from misery and misfortune, but will also get greater opportunities of progressing more rapidly towards the goal, viz., Jnana (wisdom). The doctrine of the immortality of the Soul is, therefore, the most important corner-stone in his Gospel.

The next is the revelation of the immanence of God. God is not a cruel monarch or just a benevolent deity sitting on a golden throne in a far-away city depending for his knowledge of your actions on agents and spies. He is the indweller of everyone. He is the witness of your thoughts. People around you watch your actions and hear your words; God watches not only your actions, but the motives that prompt them; He hears not only your words but also the whisper of your heart’s intentions. It is therefore that Lord Jesus, too, said: "thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

The doctrine of the immanence of God exposes, too, the hypocrite who pretends to worship God in a shrine, ignoring the Lord walking bare-bodied on the road with a begging bowl in hand, who is writhing in pain, groaning under subjection and groping in the darkness of ignorance—the disguises assumed by Him to test your sincerity and to give you a chance to worship Him truly and to attain Him here and now.

Look up, and see your Lord watching you through the eyes of everyone you meet. Have you got the sincerity to recognise Him? Then you are fit to realise God and your own Immortality. He is here, near you; and in order to bring this fact graphically before you, Sri Krishna describes himself as the several manifestations set forth in the Vibhuti Yoga of the Bhagavadgita.

To be continued ....


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