Sivananda's Personality-50.


In the summer months the Ashram is full of flies. A sanitary inspector suggested an insecticide. "Swamiji, it will kill the flies."
The Master looked at him in studied silence. The inspector repeated his promise with great solicitude. This time the Master returned a mystic smile and said, "Inspector Saheb, it should prevent flies from coming, not kill them."

As the Master was returning to his room one day from the office, he noticed crowds of large, black ants cutting across his path. He tried to proceed without hurting them. It was impossible, so he retraced his steps and went to his room by a circuitous way.
During Kirtan time one night the Master saw a visitor suddenly crush a scorpion with the butt of his torch. After Kirtan he asked the person why he killed the creature.
"It stings people," replied the visitor.

The Master retorted, "By killing one scorpion are you able to save people from the stings of scorpions of which there are millions all over the world? To kill this creature it took you only a few seconds, but can you give its life back again? When you have no strength to give back life to the dead, what right have you to take life from the living? You are the worst kind of scorpion. The scorpion has poison only in its tail, but you have poison all over the body; you are full of hatred, anger, pride and other evil qualities. You should be crushed now!"

The visitor was taken aback and promised the Master that he would never kill a creature again.

Sri N. Ananthanarayanan
 To be continued ...



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