It was in 1930 that I first met Swami Sivanandaji and in a couple of years I wrote a book under the pseudonym 'Ananda'.

The book was published only two years later in 1934 at Madras.

Now you will not be able to find any copy of the book, except two copies in the Sri Ramashram library, Muni-ki-reti.

I myself do not know what happened to the rest of the copies.

In that book I wrote all about the relationship between the Guru and the disciple, how the disciple should conduct himself in the presence of the Guru and ever-so-many other items of practical importance to an aspirant just stepping into the spiritual path.

In the very same book, I had also mentioned about the various Ashrams where I stayed before as well as about their different managers and presidents, while describing the unique nature of Swami Sivanandaji and his institution that kept me spellbound.

A copy of the book was duly sent to Swami Sivanandaji who wrote me back, 'Wonderful; excellent!'

Within a short time, I made ready the manuscripts of the second volume of the book (the first book ended with the note that it is being continued in the second volume that awaits publication).

All things were ready, press, paper, etc.

All of a sudden, I received a letter from Sri Swamiji saying, in effect, 'Your book is very bad. Do not sell it to any body.

Do not even give it freely.

Do not bring out the next volume.

' I was thunderstruck. 'What? Only the other day Swamiji wrote me appreciating the book and now he condemns it', I thought.

From Madras, I wrote to Swamiji requesting him to enlighten me as to what he

And here is the reply he favoured me with : -

'Such and such a Mahatma writes your book is a frightful attack directly aimed at him and his institution.

Your book offends my friend.

It has injured him. Therefore stop sales as well as drop the second volume.'

To be continued  ...


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