Hinduism : Part-3.

Monotheism and Polytheism Reconciled :


Later on our spiritual ancestors, the sages of God-experience and illumined vision, attained also the knowledge that the various religions of man are like so many different ways and paths that finally lead to this ONE God who is behind and beyond all religions including Hinduism.

The Supreme Almighty Being (God) does not belong to any religion.

Because, God existed even before this universe and mankind were created, even before any religions have come into existence.

All religions belong to God.

Because, He is the source as well as the final destination of all religions that exist.

Wise Hindus who rightly and properly understand their religion will firmly hold on to this basic truth of Hinduism, God is one and non-dual.

You may call this Supreme Being as Paramatma, Parama Sivam, Param Pita or Para Brahmam.

No matter in what way you have been taught to call Him from your childhood, the God worshipped in Hinduism is one and the same.

Sri Swami Chidananda

To be continued  ....


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