Ever-green Revolution is the only pathway: Dr.MS Swaminathan : 8.

Going by past experience, drought in most parts of the country and flood in Assam are the usual meteorological events of public and political concern during the month of July.

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) classifies monsoon behaviour into 5 categories – Deficient (less than 90% of Long Period Average or LPA).

Below Normal (90 to 96%), Near Normal (96-104%), Above Normal (104-110%) and Excess (above 110%).

This year, the July rainfall nationally has been 20 percent less than normal and the Government of India has announced a ` 1900 crore relief package, besides arrangements for drinking water supply.

Diesel subsidy and subsidised seed distribution are two major components of the package.

Diesel subsidy will help those who have tube wells or lift irrigation facilities, while seed subsidy will be meaningful if the right kind of seed, fit for late sowing, is available.

Andhra Pradesh has a long coast and hence opportunities for sea water farming and for establishing “Fish for All” research and training centres are great.

All the halophytes occurring along the Andhra Coast should be conserved in “Halophyte Genetic Gardens”.

Finally, the GITAM University could become a pioneer in initiating a “University Social Responsibility (USR)” programme on the lines of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes being undertaken by business and industrial houses.

Under its USR programme, interested faculty and students can help in programmes like WAR for Water, providing technical input for MGNREGA, Rural Health Mission, establishing computer-aided Village Knowledge Centres, overcoming malnutrition etc.


Next : Dr.Verghese Kurien :"Father of the White Revolution",   (Operation Flood)

To be continued  ....


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