Situation of teaching profession in Bharatham now!:-


1.Where are the Teachers?


Today we face alarming shortage of High Standard,  Efficient and Quality  Teachers in the academic levels to train and develop outstanding Brilliant students.

2.Present learners:-


Today's Children experience great pressure from parents as well as teachers. General standard of majority students is very Poor. But this is not visible as the results are not True. The exaggerated output in schools is a curse in present system of education, students are upgraded without any knowledge of their standards, all sorts of grace marks hide the poor standards of the student's performance. This shows students nowhere near in any field, academic or sports or arts etc..

3.Poor performance in any competitive exams:-


50% of candidates in any central, state, corporate or public sector exams, fail to succeed, Another 25% some how just pass (below average), Next 15% only average, 5% above average, ONLY 5% is real best. This is if valuation is true and real. During interviews out of this last best 5% disappoint, and only few get through, finally institutions recruit available and make them trainees to undergo training under them.

4. Lack of Expert teaching:-


This shows the poor standards of teaching in all levels. No body to search the talents in the lower levels, and bring the best to top.



We parents show urgency to produce Doctors and Engineers as if there is no other fields on earth. The real culprits are parents, they do not know where their child stands, and his capacity to learn, his/her talents, skills, aptitudes etc, they never attempt to find out, there is no real interaction between teacher and parent. At institutions the children distracted by student's political wings, and through out their curriculum they are absent from classes, involving various Bhandh, march, dharnas, at last hooligans come out with streets expertise.

6. Where are the few best ?-


We ( Nation) need best to choose teaching, but majority parents and to certain extent the child look the teaching profession bring low status to them. The second need is Research sector, it is very poor in this country.

7.Job Market:-


Today employment means :-1.Doctor, 2.Engineers, 3. IT SECTOR. Nobody for the   further requirements of the Nation. There is no mind to understand the point :Dignity of Labour. All jobs are equally important and equally positioned.  In any job if you work sincerely with involvement  everybody reach higher  levels and successful in any job.


The country's education system to reexamined and vitalisation is to be taken at priority level, if we want to progress.



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