Bhagavadgeeta:-ch-4, slokam-13.


Lord Krishna to Arjuna: According to three gunas (Sattvic, Rajas, Tamas) and karmas { actions(jobs/works)}, I have created four Varnas such as Brahmanan, Kshatrian, Vaisyan, Sudran. Though I am the Kartha (subject) of this chathurvvarnnyam, know this Arjuna, I am nothing to do with these.


Here Lord clearly says about gunas and karmas are the basis of these varnas not by birth.

1. Bramanan : -  Sattvic in nature (guna), and the karmas: those who are sharing knowledge and intelligent, examples:-  Gurus, teachers( present way), priests...... 

2. Kshatrian :- Rajosic in nature, and karmas : Administration, Governace, Justice, Defence, Police..............

3.Vaisyan:- Rajosic and Tamosic both gunas mixed nature and karmas: Agriculture, Poultry, Cattle farms, Fishing, trading, manufacturing, business............

4.Sudran :- Tamosic in nature and karmas service sector, workers, labours.........


The Slogam is misunderstood by many(majority), with out using their knowledge/intelligence. 

Others:- the main culprits who misused this slogam and made these varnas by birth, thus creating unsolved issue to present Bharatham. Now countless castes present  a great shame to the country in the modern world. Politician created them as vote banks and the tragedy continued-----exploitations, financial burdens to the nation, these caste groups have a tendency not to work, looking for benefits.......

The politicians must study Geeta what is varna, and stop all these exploitations and misuse if they want to save this country.


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