As an animal, man is essentially selfish. He will not generally give without hopes of getting. 'Nothing for nothing', seems to be the law that governs nature. This being a universal law, ordinarily, even intimate relations and dear and near ones are deferential towards the earning-saving member of the family. This has been observed at all levels of relationships---man and wife, father and son, brother and sister. In short, in all human relationships, one who is capable of earning-and-saving alone is, with due reverence, respected and adored by others around who have some hope of being benefited by a share of his saving!

In popular cry that money is respect, and that money can purchase anything. And indeed this is true. But its corollary, which is generally overlooked, is rather painful. For, if money is power, then a powerful man of yesterday should necessarily become, when his earning capacity is accidentally broken up, a powerless man of today! If money can purchase happiness, the absence of money can procure only sorrow! [to be cot--d]    


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