Fundamental Duties of man unto himself:-

1.Satyam [ truthful-ness ] has come to be used so often that we seem to know its implications very well, but in no given set of circumstances can an ordinary man come to a definite decision as to how to act truthfully! Without going much into the details, I will try to touch upon the essence of these teachings.

2.Brahmacarya [ Self-restraint ] is not a mere control of sex impulses. It is a life lived under a strict policy of self-control in all the activities of all senses that go out into the fields of their respective objects. Thus, to talk too much or walk too long distances, or to eat even a morsel more than essential, are all crimes against a life of self-restraint.

If brahmacarya be thus a value of life applied in the physical plane, ahimsa [non-injury] is a value of life to be lived in the mental zone. Non-injury is not an inert ineffectual slave-mentality allowing ourselves to be killed or to be persecuted by any individual  or individuals. Cowardice is not sanctioned by non-injury.

Ahimsa [ non-injury ] in its real spiritual import means, therefore,  only 'kill not with cruel animal intentions.'  Non-injury is the spirit, that should dominate in the plane of our motives. Our motives should not be polluted by ideas of cruelty or hatred. Thus, if you holdup and fight against a robber in your home or stand up against the unwise policies of a priest or a president, you are not transgressing ahimsa. To kill a bug or a mosquito, to smash a snake or a scorpion in your house is not cruelty, while to allow these to grow and flourish in the name of non-violence is madness sanctioned only by a mis-interpreted culture. It is this mis-interpretaion that has brought about the FALL,DECAY, AND DEATH OF THE GLORIOUS ERA OF HINDU DOMINANCE.

Elimination of the wicked and the protection of the GOOD is the very creed of every true Hindu --whether it be priest or God or Government.[to be cont----d.]

Present Bharatham, and its citizens  hear these Upanishads declarations  and mend themselves if Bharatham and the population want their head up in the world, if not want to hear then fall in disgrace is immense.  


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