Chathur vida  bajande  mam  janah  sukrutinorjjuna 

Artto  jijnasurarttarthi  jnani  ca  bhartarshaba.

Bhagavad Gita :- Chapter-7, Slogam-16.

Lord Krishna's views on Bhakta:-

"Arjuna,  four types of holy people  worship me, they are 1.who suffer from diseses,  2. who wish to know the principles of life, 3. who wish to create wealth, 4. who are Jnanis [searching knowledge].

Tesham  jnani  nityayukta  ekabhaktirvisishyate

Priyo  hi  jnaninotyartamaham  sa  ca  mama  priya.

Lord continues in slogam 17:-

In the above four bhaktas,  the one who surrenders his mind to me, have deep devotion towards me, the Jnani  is Special, for him I am his beloved, and he is my beloved. [cont--d]     


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