
Therefore, to invoke the virtue of our culture would be to bring the salient features of Hinduism and inexhaustible beauties of our culture to the understanding of our generation. We are not proposing to do anything new, but, we have to consider the modern problems and conditions of living, and bring about the necessary changes in our technique of spreading the knowledge of our national culture among ourselves. This is urgently needed even for our secular security and material prosperity. A shattered nation of wild groups, each trying to step over the other, is not an arrangement  from which we can hope to get any team work or cooperative endeavour  in our nation building activities. The only factor that can bring us all together --that can hold the south and north in the embrace, that can bring everyone in the nation--is our respect for reverence to our distinct national culture. The dissemination of these fundamental idea is, therefore, imperative in the context of our fast collapsing present day history.

Our leaders, and rulers must try to explain the educated masses what they see so clearly in the immortal books of the Upanishads and the Geeta. During these years,  people the seekers try to live and assimilate the Hindu culture. It is nothing to do religion, this is Bharatheeya culture which every Bharatheeyan should follow. Unfortunately our leaders neglect this spirituality, our treasures, like UPANISHADS AND GEETA in the name of secularism.We forget the noble ideals and miserably fail to discover in ourselves the necessary heroism to live the Hindu way of life.

In modern times press is also a very important limb in any plan of spreading the vital values of a culture. Unfortunately, today, our Press has no respect for such ideas and themes, and we, enthusiasts, also know not how to put across our ideas in appealing and entertaining style.  


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