
Showing posts from September, 2021

Resurgent Culture - Chapter-1.4.3 - Swami Krishnananda.

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, September 05, 2021. 6:40.AM. Chapter 1: The Goal of Life-4. 4.The Changeless Consciousness.. (Continued)-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Further, that we have a memory of sleep shows that a kind of perception was going on even in sleep, for there can be no memory without a previous perception, and no perception can have a meaning unless it is attended with consciousness. If memory has a meaning, the conscious perception that ought necessarily to lie antecedent to it cannot be denied.  We had consciousness, and we existed as consciousness in deep sleep; but we knew it not. Some mysterious darkness was veiling us. And this veil is nothing but the inactive latency of the possibility of objective experience in terms of the phenomenal categories described above. The V...