
Showing posts from August, 2021

Resurgent Culture - Chapter-1.4. - Swami Krishnananda.

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, August 15, 2021. 10:30.AM. Chapter 1: The Goal of Life-4. 4.The Changeless Consciousness.. (Continued)-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 . The methods of philosophy are usually certain developments of the logical methods of thinking and rationalistic processes of thought. Our faculties of understanding, thinking, feeling and willing are, however, found to be subject to certain fixed categories, such as quantity, quality, relation and mode, or, to put it concisely, space, time and cause. On a careful examination it is seen that, even as the findings of science are not ultimately reliable due to their being influenced by the changing characteristics of the senses of perception and the instruments of observation, the philosophical method, as it is usually understo...