The Aim of Human Existence – 1.2. Swami Krishnananda
====================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/04/2020. (Spoken at a Conference in Delhi on Sept. 20, 1980) Part-1 of 3. Post-1- 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. #The struggle for a meaning behind life, a search for values which are permanent in their nature, is no doubt ingrained in our being, which is essentially becoming. We have no idea in our minds to be annihilated at any time, though it appears that nothing can stand this ultimate requirement of utter transformation to the point of non-existence. ##What we see with our eyes does not seem to be capable of giving an answer to what our heart seeks. Our perception is sensory; and our arguments, which are intellectual, do not seem to collaborate with the demands of a point in our own selves which refuses to be reduced to a point of becoming or transiency, because the recognition of the transiency of thi...